Customer Service – General Info
Customer Service – General Info
VINLEC recognizes that the ever-changing need to effectively serve our customers is the driving force behind our operations. Producing electricity to meet our customers’ lifestyle demands, makes the customer an integral part of our business. In general, we are engaged in creating value for our customers through commitment to the following:

The customer is not expected to know all the internal workings of VINLEC. Thus, the Customer Services Department is designed as a “one-stop shop” where the customer can approach us on any electricity matter and be assured of a response. Specifically, our Customer Services Department is devoted to providing service that is:

We pledge all our efforts to the maintaining of an available 24-hour electricity supply to all customers. Our Emergency Crew and out-station personnel can be readily contacted for immediate response and most unplanned outages are resolved within one (1) hour.
Planned outages for regular maintenance will be executed strictly within the time limit announced and wherever possible, completed ahead of schedule.
Reports on electricity infrastructure (i.e. poles, lines, meters) will be taken promptly and are normally resolved within seven (7) work days. Customer connections and customer account matters are also scheduled for handling within seven (7) work days.
Reconnection of disconnected services is scheduled within the same day the reconnection fee is paid. Ninety-five percent (95%) of this is achieved and all efforts will be directed to making this a 100% same day reconnection achievement.
Customer requests for disconnection of service will be done on the stated date, provided that one (1) week’s clear notice is given.
VINLEC always welcomes hearing from its customers. If you have any questions or suggestions, please give us a call, send us an email, write us, or even better, visit us in person!